Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just Being a Kid

Today I was sitting in the kitchen minding my own business when my dad decides it would be funny to put a handful of ice cubes down my back. It was totally out of the blue and unexpected and not only did he put them down my back but he like pressed them into my back. They were freezing and he got my shirt all wet! and i didn't even do anything to him! This however reminded me of how fun it is to just do random spontaneous things and how to be a kid sometimes can really help take stress away! Because the rest of the day my sister and myself kept getting him back for what he did and we had so much fun doing it. Lets just say we got him good! and theres still more to come...good thing he likes it when we prank him:)


Kate said...

I think everyone just has to be immature sometimes! It keeps life interesting :-p

tash's scene said...

Awww! That sounds so fun!! I don't want to get on your bad side! lol

MemphisKell said...

Immature is good.

Katie said...

pranks...I love pranks!! Cars filled to the top with shreded paper make my day!