Saturday, March 1, 2008

The definition of awesome

This post is dedicated to the one and ONLY Timothy Andrew Sagasti, also known as God, and the guy who risks his life to bring us live footage of wild, dangerous creatures. Let me just say that he is an awesome person. He gives so much and takes so little, i mean he co-authored the bible(if you didn't know) now there's dedication. He also provides a plethora(his favorite word) of entertainment for his community. I mean he is willing to wear his hair in crazy hairstyles at school just so people can laugh at him(no offense). Little does he know that pink bows are next! And his sarcastic comments bring giggles all around. If he wasn't so awesome then why would so many people be making him cookies? And if you check out his blog you can see that he has songs written with his name in them! This kid is obviously worshipped by many for the well rounded guy that he is. He has the smarts(as some would say, although i did kick his butt in chem last year:-)), plays soccer, hockey, lacrosse, and yet he still has time to do all of the mischievious stuff that he does. Even Brian Shaver worships him(don't lie its true), i believe in one of his posts/comments he said he would like to be Tim for a day or something like that, and quoted him as being the pinnacle of mankind. So I could keep going on and on about how astounding this Tim character is but my post might just be pages long(although I'm sure Tim would love to read pages about himself :P) and I'm pretty tired plus most of you probably already know all this, so if you read this you now know just how awesome he is.

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