Wednesday, February 27, 2008

For lack of something better to write about tonight i think I'm going to tell you about how bagels are probably one of the best foods in the world! As many of my friends may know bagels are my favorite food and i eat them all the time. Now you are probably thinking i am weird because of all the foods bagels are my favorite, but think about it they can be eaten in so many different ways and there are a ton of different flavors. You can eat them for breakast, lunch, dinner, or even a snack. You can make a sandwich with them, toast them, or just eat them plain. You can put peanut butter on them, jelly, butter, cream cheese, plain cheese, or even make egg sandwich's out of them. Not to mention if your highly active they are a great source of carbs before a workout. I know before swimming I always ate a bagel and never felt fatigued during a practice. So before I keep going on and on about bagels I think ill just end with the fact that they are basically amazing and you should go buy some. In fact im eating one as i write this:)


tash's scene said...

haha You eat bagels like ALL THE TIME!! That's great!! :)

Katie said...

Haha you eat bagels constantly. Breakfast. Lunch. Might as well be dinner too. I would just like to dazzel you with the fact that at wegmans the code for a single bagel is 115. Half dozen is 417. Full Dozen is 419. If a customer has 8 bagels you have to be sure to not just type 8quantity115. You have to do 417, 2quantity 115. Very interesting stuff let me tell you =]